In essence, Habit Stacking is about re-training your brain with small routines. You get stuff done by grouping together small tasks into pattern chains. Then, you’ll see a positive result. Habit stacking uses those strong connections to create new habits.

As Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

The phrase “habit stacking” was coined by Wall Street Journal bestselling author S.J Scott. His 2014 book Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes That Take Five Minutes or Less proposes you, “build routines around habits that don’t require effort” because “small wins build momentum because they’re easy to remember and complete.”

Also termed is “habit chaining”, or the process involves grouping together small activities into a routine which you link to a habit already set in your day. This makes the routine memorable and anchors your new habits to an existing trigger. Or in simpler terms you use the things you already remember to do to remind you to do something else, like reading one chapter of a book when you get into bed.

The strategy works by eliminating procrastination and instead making a practical routine out of the things we put off. Never remember to floss? Work it into your existing habits by flossing right before brushing your teeth.

  • This behavioral science strategy turns your nagging to-do list into unconscious acts.
  • As we age we prune the synapses for behavior we don’t use and strengthen those we do.
  • Habit stacking uses those strong connections to create new, positive habits.
  • Always include a positive affirmation to change the negative thoughts.

In 2007, research by Oxford University found that when compared to newborn babies, the average adult human had 41% fewer neurons in the brain. This doesn’t mean you’re stupider than a baby, it just means adults go through a process called “synapse pruning.”

Behavioral psychologist James Clear explains that, “Your brain prunes away connections between neurons that don’t get used and builds up connections that get used more frequently.”

He explains the pruning as, “Synaptic pruning occurs with every habit you build as your brain builds a strong network of neurons to support your current behaviors. The more you do something, the stronger and more efficient the connection becomes.” Clear argues you can take advantage of the “very strong habits and connections that you take for granted each day” to build new habits.

If that sounds daunting, try breaking down tasks into five minute chunks. This is the easiest way to reverse negative habits by using short spurts at the beginning. This means you can complete multiple tasks every day, and across the week these add up to a half an hour.

For example, a morning “habit chain” might look like this:

  • Wake up
  • 5 minutes of meditation
  • Say a positive affirmation and include “I AM”
  • Take vitamins
  • 5 Minutes of abdominal exercises
  • Brush teeth
  • Floss
  • Make breakfast
  • Empty laundry bin into washing machine

This is the idea in order to begin habit stacking.

Creating stacks for the last few minutes at work to set you up for the next morning is a phenomenal way to begin habit stacking. Or, compiling a 20 minute chain as you arrive home to check things off on your list.

And lastly, always include an affirmation at the beginning of the day in your habit chain, in the middle and reflecting on the positivity at the end of each day.